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  • With glowing and indefatigable heart, I've spent all mine mind and whole spirit. Just desiring somewhere I belong. O! Lord! I've devoted all I shall devote. Why thou abandoned me? 
  • I toil and struggle. Just looking for a direction or guideline to earn a living, however, I've lost in the capricious and inevitable secularism. All I have done is in no avil.
  • Life is a hoax. From birth to death, seems like a peroid. However, is naught.
  • Life is a tragedy. Spending time and zest endeavouring just for own estate without reason.
  • Sometimes, eagring to suicide, but caring responsibility and obligation, I shall struggle and stay until the goal being done.
  • I greatly trust thee, and stand on guard for thee. Resultly, thou broke mine spirit again and again.
  • Working away merely in exchange for safety and pleasantness, end up, nothing will be existing.